




2.1 This guide is not meant to mandate a specific structure or responsibility at the various levels but rather to suggest a means or method that will allow for the creation or further development of a state, regional, or local EMS system.2.2 This guide will assist state, regional, or local organizations in establishing EMS systems or refining existing EMS systems.1.1 This guide establishes optimum guidelines for the structures and responsibilities that will facilitate development, delivery, and assessment of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) on state, regional, and local levels.1.1.1 State Level—At the state level, this guide sets forth a basic structure for the organization and management of a state emergency medical services program and outlines the responsibilities of the state in the planning, development, coordination, and regulation of emergency medical services throughout the state.1.1.2 Regional Level—At the regional level, this guide addresses the planning, development, and coordination of a functional and comprehensive EMS system which consists of all personnel, equipment, and facilities necessary for the response to the emergently ill or injured patient, according to national and state lead agency standards.1.1.3 Local Level—At the local level, this guide sets forth a basic structure for the organization and management of a local EMS system and outlines the responsibilities that a local EMS should assume in the planning, development, implementation, and evaluating of its EMS system.

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This practice covers basic criteria for the structure and conduct of a certification organization, the development and operation of a certification program, and the development and use of customary mechanisms to evaluate a candidate's knowledge, skill, and ability. The qualifications of the examiner and limitations on the relationship between the examiner and the examinee are given.The basic criteria covered by this practice are intended to be supplemented by more specific criteria serving the requirements of the certification organization.1.1 This practice covers a standard for establishing evaluation and certification procedures for personnel engaged in testing and inspecting bituminous paving materials in accordance with specified test methods and is intended for use by independent organizations providing certification services.Note 1—Refer to Specifications D 3666 for information on the minimum requirements for agencies testing and inspecting bituminous paving materials and to Practice D 4561 for information on quality control systems for organizations producing and applying bituminous paving materials.1.2 Qualification for certification candidates, qualifications of those administering the certification examinations, methods of administering the certification tests, and certain certification organization operating requirements are given.1.3 Competency determination typically includes a monitored written examination and a performance evaluation.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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This practice provides a standard by which organizations can provide a uniform quality service in producing and applying bituminous paving materials in construction. The practice outlines and describes the procedures for establishing and maintaining a quality control system.The control of quality is a continuing process; consequently, this practice provides not only for the formation of a program but for its continuation through calibration, standardization, and reference sample and inspection programs.The basic requirements for a quality control system encompass the following, all of which shall be documented:3.3.1 Quality policy, planning, and administration,3.3.2 Organization,3.3.3 Human resources,3.3.4 Physical resources, and3.3.5 Quality control and evaluation.1.1 This practice prescribes the general requirements for the establishment and maintenance of a quality control system for organizations producing or applying bituminous paving materials, or both, in construction.1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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1.1 This practice provides a guide for the criteria to be used in the evaluation of testing laboratories and organizations engaged in examination and inspection, or both, for specification-conformance of steel, stainless steel, and related alloys.1.2 This practice is intended for use by an accrediting authority for qualification and accreditation of laboratories and organizations noted in These criteria include the general characteristics (generic criteria) or organization, facility, human resources, and the necessary controls, for evaluating the ability of testing laboratories, examination organizations, and inspection organizations, to perform their intended functions.1.4 These criteria also include specific criteria for equipment and personnel qualification, and for necessary quality control procedures, for evaluating the ability of testing laboratories, examination organizations, and inspection organizations to perform specific tests, examinations, and inspections.1.4.1 If required, the appropriate ASTM Committee A-1 Subcommittee concerned with a particular test, examination, or inspection discipline may supplement this standard with additional specific criteria. See Table 1.1.5 This practice may not necessarily provide all the generic criteria for the evaluation of independent testing, examination, and inspection agencies as defined in Practice E548. However, the generic and specific criteria of this standard, including any supplements, are considered appropriate for the evaluation of any testing laboratory or inspection and examination organizations, or both involve in specification conformance (or verification) testing and inspection of steel, stainless steel and related alloys.1.6 These generic and specific criteria may, where appropriate, be used by an accrediting authority for evaluating the capabilities of a laboratory, examination organization, or inspection organization to perform tests, examinations, or inspections of steel products not related to specification conformance.1.7 This standard practice may also be employed as an evaluation guideline for individual, governmental, or technical society self-certification programs where accreditation may not be required.

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