




5.1 These specifications are designed to ensure that evidence associated with a sexual violence investigation is handled and analyzed in the most useful manner and without wasting evidentiary materials and analytical time or resources, or both.AbstractThese specifications describe the basic elements of a request for the scientific examination of physical evidence collected in the investigation of a sexual assault. These specifications outline considerations that will facilitate the analysis of sexual assault evidence by a potentially large group of forensic experts. The request for scientific examination of sexual assault evidence should include a completed sexual assault medical/nurse sexual assault examiner/medical examiner evaluation form in accordance with the requirements.1.1 These specifications describe the basic elements of a request for the scientific examination of physical evidence collected in the investigation of a sexual violence incident. These specifications are designed to be used in conjunction with other specifications, guides, and practices associated with sexual violence examinations that are listed in Section 2.1.2 These specifications outline considerations that facilitate the analysis of sexual violence evidence by forensic experts. These experts can include, but are not limited to, serologists, toxicologists, pathologists, odontologists, latent print examiners, firearm and toolmark examiners, and trace materials analysts. The success of their combined work requires a clear understanding of the issues and relationships involved in the case.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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This guide is intended to assist healthcare institutions in creating appropriate requests for proposals to be issued for medical transcription services.This guide provides recommended guidelines for the essential elements to be included in requests for proposals issued to medical transcription services. The purpose of these requests is contracting for the production and delivery of transcribed patient care documentation for a healthcare institution.This guide recognizes the necessity of a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement.This guide recognizes the necessity of researching local, state, and federal requirements that may apply.1.1 This guide covers recommended guidelines to healthcare institutions for the development and issuance of requests for proposals (RFPs), as well as guidelines for medical transcription service organizations (MTSOs) responding to requests for proposals. It does not purport to address all of the legal aspects of the RFP, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this guide to establish appropriate legal guidelines prior to use.1.2 It is appropriate for healthcare institutions to issue RFPs from time to time or at regular contractual intervals for the purpose of facilitating the process of contracting for medical transcription services.1.3 It is anticipated that both a commercial contract for services and a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement will be based upon the responding proposals submitted to the RFP.

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