




5.1 Protection of a species requires prevention of unacceptable effects on the number, health, and uses of individuals of that species. A life-cycle toxicity test is conducted to determine changes in the numbers of individuals and offspring of a test species resulting from effects of the test material on survival, growth, gender ratios, endocrine function, genetic expression, fertility and reproduction (1-3).3 Information might also be obtained on effects of the material on the health (4) and uses of the species. 5.2 Published information about the sensitivities of several meiobenthic copepods to several common metals and organic toxicants have been reviewed (5). For most compounds tested/published to date, A. tenuiremis is acutely less sensitive than mysid and penaeid shrimp, similarly sensitive as amphipods, and often more sensitive than cladocerans (daphniids, specifically). Reference 96-h aqueous toxicity tests with cadmium at 30 g/kg salinity showed an LC50 for A. tenuiremis adults of 213 to 234 μg/L (Chandler, unpub.). Reference toxicant tests with sodium dodecyl sulfate showed a 96-h LC50 of 13.3 to 15.5 mg/L (Chandler,unpubl.). A. tenuiremis is a comparatively new toxicity test organism, and an extensive database of species sensitivity to multiple aqueous test compounds is not yet available. Relative to other harpacticoid copepod studies in the literature, A. tenuiremis is more chronically sensitive than all other species published to date where there is comparative data (5). 5.3 Results of life-cycle tests with A. tenuiremis can be used to predict long-term effects at the individual and population levels likely to occur on copepods in field situations as a result of exposure under comparable conditions (1,2). 5.4 Results of life-cycle tests with A. tenuiremis might be used to compare the chronic sensitivities of different species and the chronic toxicities of different materials, and also study the effects of various environmental factors such as temperature, pH, and ultraviolet light on results of such tests. 5.5 Results of life-cycle tests with A. tenuiremis might be an important consideration when assessing the hazards of materials to aquatic organisms (see Guide E1023) or when deriving water quality criteria for aquatic organisms (6). 5.6 Results of a life-cycle test with A. tenuiremis might be useful for predicting the results of chronic tests on the same test material with the same species in another water or with another species in the same or a different water. Most such predictions take into account results of acute toxicity tests, and so the usefulness of the results from a life-cycle toxicity test with A. tenuiremis is greatly increased by also reporting the results of an acute toxicity test (see Guide E729) conducted under the same environmental conditions. 5.7 Results of life-cycle tests with A. tenuiremis might be useful for studying the biological availability of, and structure-activity relationships between, test materials. 5.8 Results of life-cycle tests with A. tenuiremis will depend on temperature, quality of food, composition of seawater, condition of test organisms, and other factors. 5.9 Life-cycle tests with A. tenuiremis are conducted on copepods reared individually in microwells of 96-well microplates. Thus they can be useful for studying endocrine, pre-zygotic and gender-specific toxicities of test materials (1-3). 1.1 This guide describes procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects of a test material added to seawater, but not to food, on the marine copepod Amphiascus tenuiremis , during continuous exposures of individuals, from immediately after birth, until after the beginning of reproduction using a 200 μL renewal microplate-culturing technique. The following data are checked and recorded during the test period: stage-specific survival, number of days it takes for development from a first stage nauplius to a reproductively mature copepod, gender ratios, number of days for a female to extrude first and subsequent broods, number of days between first (and subsequent) brood extrusion(s) and hatching of first-generation nauplii, number of hatched and surviving nauplii, number of unhatched or necrotic eggs and aborted unhatching eggsacs, and the total number of females able to produce viable offspring over the entire mating period. This microplate-based full life-cycle toxicity test has a duration of approximately 17 days for toxicants that do not delay development. These procedures probably will be useful for conducting life-cycle toxicity tests with other species of copepods, although modifications might be necessary. 1.2 These procedures are applicable to most chemicals, either individually, or in formulations, commercial products, or known mixtures, that can be measured accurately at the necessary concentration in water. With appropriate modifications these procedures can be used to conduct tests on temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH and on such materials as aqueous effluents (see also Guide E1192), sediment pore waters, and surface waters. Renewal microplate tests might not be applicable to materials that have a high oxygen demand, are highly volatile, are rapidly transformed (biologically or chemically) in aqueous solutions, or are removed from test solutions in substantial quantities by the test chambers or organisms during the test. If the concentration of dissolved oxygen falls below 50 % of saturation, or the concentration of test material in the test solution decreases by more than 20 % between renewals, it might be desirable to renew the solutions more often. 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.

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5.1 Protection of a species requires prevention of unacceptable effects on the number, weight, health, and uses of the individuals of that species. A life-cycle toxicity test is conducted to determine what changes in the numbers and weights of individuals of the test species result from effects of the test material on survival, growth, and reproduction. Information might also be obtained on effects of the material on the health and uses of the species.5.2 Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be used to predict long-term effects likely to occur on mysids in field situations as a result of exposure under comparable conditions.5.3 Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be used to compare the chronic sensitivities of different species and the chronic toxicities of different materials, and also to study the effects of various environmental factors on results of such tests.5.4 Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be an important consideration when assessing the hazards of materials to aquatic organisms (see Guide E1023) or when deriving water quality criteria for aquatic organisms (1).45.5 Results of a life-cycle test with mysids might be useful for predicting the results of chronic tests on the same test material with the same species in another water or with another species in the same or a different water (2). Most such predictions take into account results of acute toxicity tests, and so the usefulness of the results from a life-cycle test with mysids is greatly increased by also reporting the results of an acute toxicity test (see Guide E729) conducted under the same conditions.5.6 Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be useful for studying the biological availability of, and structure-activity relationships between, test materials.5.7 Results of life-cycle tests with mysids might be useful for predicting population effects on the same species in another water or with another species in the same or a different water (3).1.1 This guide describes procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects of a test material added to dilution water, but not to food, on certain species of saltwater mysids during continuous exposure from immediately after birth until after the beginning of reproduction using the flow-through technique. These procedures will probably be useful for conducting life-cycle toxicity tests with other species of mysids, although modifications might be necessary.1.2 Other modifications of these procedures might be justified by special needs or circumstances. Although using appropriate procedures is more important than following prescribed procedures, results of tests conducted using unusual procedures are not likely to be comparable to results of many other tests. Comparison of results obtained using modified and unmodified versions of these procedures might provide useful information on new concepts and procedures for conducting life-cycle toxicity tests with saltwater mysids.1.3 These procedures are applicable to all chemicals, either individually or in formulations, commercial products, or known mixtures, that can be measured accurately at the necessary concentrations in water. With appropriate modifications, these procedures can be used to conduct tests on temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH and on such materials as aqueous effluents (see also Guide E1192), leachates, oils, particulate matter, sediments, and surface waters.1.4 This guide is arranged as follows:  Section Referenced Documents 2Terminology 3Summary of Guide 4 5Hazards 7Apparatus 6 Facilities 6.1 Construction Materials 6.2 Metering System 6.3 Test Chambers 6.4 Cleaning 6.5 Acceptability 6.6Dilution Water 8 Requirements 8.1 Source 8.2 Treatment 8.3 Characterization 8.4Test Material 9 General 9.1 Stock Solution 9.2 Test Concentration(s) 9.3Test Organisms 10 Species 10.1 Age 10.2 Source 10.3 Brood Stock 10.4 Food 10.5 Handling 10.6 Harvesting Young 10.7 Quality 10.8Procedure 11 Experimental Design 11.1 Dissolved Oxygen 11.2 Temperature 11.3 Beginning the Test 11.4 Feeding 11.5 Cleaning 11.6 Duration of Test 11.7 Biological Data 11.8 Other Measurements 11.9Analytical Methodology 12Acceptability of Test 13Calculation 14Documentation 15Keywords 16Appendix    X1. Statistical Guidance  1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard statements are given in Section 7.1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 An acute effluent toxicity test is conducted to obtain information concerning the immediate effects on test organisms of a short-term exposure to an effluent under specific experimental conditions. One can directly examine acute effects of complex mixtures of chemicals as occurs in effluents and some ambient waters. Acute effluent toxicity tests can be used to evaluate the potential for designated-use or aquatic life impairment in the receiving stream, lake, or estuary. An acute toxicity test does not provide information about whether delayed effects will occur, although a post-exposure observation period, with appropriate feeding if necessary, might provide such information.5.2 Results of acute effluent tests might be used to predict acute effects likely to occur on aquatic organisms in field situations as a result of exposure under comparable conditions, except that (1) motile organisms might avoid exposure when possible, (2) toxicity to benthic species might be dependent on sorption or settling of components of the effluent onto the substrate, and (3) the effluent might physically or chemically interact with the receiving water.5.3 Results of acute effluent tests might be used to compare the acute sensitivities of different species and the acute toxicities of different effluents, and to study the effects of various environmental factors on results of such tests.5.4 Acute tests are usually the first step in evaluating the effects of an effluent on aquatic organisms.5.5 Results of acute effluent tests will depend on the temperature, composition of the dilution water, condition of the test organisms, exposure technique, and other factors.AbstractThis guide covers procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects of aqueous ambient samples and effluents on certain species of freshwater and saltwater fishes, macroinvertebrates, and amphibians, during a short-term exposure, depending on the species, using the static, renewal, and flow-through techniques. These procedures will probably be useful for conducting acute toxicity tests on aqueous effluents with many other aquatic species, although modifications might be necessary. Static tests might not be applicable to effluents that have a high oxygen demand, or contain materials that (1) are highly volatile, (2) are rapidly biologically or chemically transformed in aqueous solutions, or (3) are removed from test solutions in substantial quantities by the test chambers or organisms during the test. Results of acute toxicity tests should usually be reported in terms of a median lethal concentration (LC50) or median effective concentration (EC50). An acute toxicity test does not provide information about whether delayed effects will occur. Specified requirements involving the following are detailed: (1) hazards; (2) apparatus: facilities, special requirements, construction materials, metering system, test chambers, cleaning, and acceptability; (3) dilution water requirements, source, treatment, and characterization; (4) effluent sampling point, collection, preservation, treatment, and test concentrations; (5) test organism species, age, source, care and handling, feeding, disease treatment, holding, acclimation, and quality; (6) procedure: experimental design, dissolved oxygen, temperature, loading, beginning the test, feeding, duration of test, biological data, and other measurements; (7) analytical methodology; (8) acceptability of test; (9) calculation of results; and (1) report of results.1.1 This guide covers procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects of an aqueous effluent on certain species of freshwater and saltwater fishes, macroinvertebrates, and amphibians, usually during 2 day to 4 day exposures, depending on the species, using the static, renewal, and flow-through techniques. These procedures will probably be useful for conducting acute toxicity tests on aqueous effluents with many other aquatic species, although modifications might be necessary.1.2 Other modifications of these procedures might be justified by special needs or circumstances. Although using appropriate procedures is more important than following prescribed procedures, results of tests conducted using unusual procedures are not likely to be comparable to results of many other tests. Comparison of results obtained using modified and unmodified versions of these procedures might provide useful information concerning new concepts and procedures for conducting acute toxicity tests on aqueous effluents.1.3 This guide is based in large part on Guide E729 where addition details are provided for test elements that may be applicable to the ambient and effluent toxicity testing described in this method. The major differences between the two guides are (1) the maximum test concentration is 100 % effluent or ambient sample, (2) testing is not chemical-specific, and (3) the holding time of effluent and ambient samples is often considerably less than that for chemicals and other test materials. Because the sample is often a complex mixture of chemicals, analytical tests cannot generally be used to confirm exposure concentrations.1.4 Selection of the technique to be used in a specific situation will depend upon the needs of the investigator and upon available resources. Static tests provide the most easily obtained measure of acute toxicity but should not last longer than 48 h. Renewal and flow-through tests may last longer than 48 h because the pH and concentrations of dissolved oxygen and effluent are maintained at desired levels and degradation and metabolic products are removed. Static tests might not be applicable to effluents that have a high oxygen demand or contain materials that (1) are highly volatile, (2) are rapidly biologically or chemically transformed in aqueous solutions, or (3) are removed from test solutions in substantial quantities by the test chambers or organisms during the test. Flow-through tests are generally preferable to renewal tests, although in some situations a renewal test might be more cost-effective than a flow-through test.1.5 In the development of these procedures, an attempt was made to balance scientific and practical considerations and to ensure that the results will be sufficiently accurate and precise for the applications for which they are commonly used. A major consideration was that the common uses of the results of acute tests on effluents do not require or justify stricter requirements than those set forth in this guide. Although the tests may be improved by using more organisms, longer acclimation times, and so forth, the requirements presented in this guide should usually be sufficient.1.6 Results of acute toxicity tests should usually be reported in terms of a median lethal concentration (LC50) or median effective concentration (EC50). In some situations, it might be necessary only to determine whether a specific concentration is acutely toxic to the test species or whether the LC50 or EC50 is above or below a specific concentration.1.7 This guide is arranged as follows:  Section   Referenced Documents   2Terminology   3Summary of Guide   4   5Hazards   7Apparatus   6 Facilities   6.1 Special Requirements   6.2 Construction Materials   6.3 Metering System   6.4 Test Chambers   6.5 Cleaning   6.6 Acceptability   6.7Dilution Water   8 Requirements   8.1 Source   8.2 Treatment   8.3 Characterization   8.4Effluent   9 Sampling Point   9.1 Collection   9.2 Preservation   9.3 Treatment   9.4 Test Concentration(s)   9.5Test Organisms   10 Species   10.1 Age   10.2 Source   10.3 Care and Handling   10.4 Feeding   10.5 Disease Treatment   10.6 Holding   10.7 Acclimation   10.8 Quality   10.9Procedure   11 Experimental Design   11.1 Dissolved Oxygen   11.2 Temperature   11.3 Loading   11.4 Beginning the Test   11.5 Feeding   11.6 Duration of Test   11.7 Biological Data   11.8 Other Measurements   11.9Analytical Methodology   12Acceptability of Test   13Calculation or Results   14Report   151.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard statements are given in Section 7.1.9 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 Tests with algae provide information on the toxicity of test materials to an important component of the aquatic biota and might indicate whether additional testing (2) is desirable. Specific testing procedures under various regulatory jurisdictions follow procedures similar to those described in this Guide (3, 4). Users should consult with any specific regulatory requirements to determine the applicability and consistency of this standard with such requirements.5.2 Algae are ubiquitous in aquatic ecosystems, where they incorporate solar energy into biomass, produce oxygen, function in nutrient cycling and serve as food for animals. Because of their ecological importance, sensitivity to many toxicants, ready availability, ease of culture, and fast growth rates (rendering it possible to conduct a multi-generation test in a short period of time), algae are often used in toxicity testing.5.3 Results of algal toxicity tests might be used to compare the sensitivities of different species of algae and the toxicities of different materials to algae and to study the effects of various environmental factors on results of such tests.5.4 Results of algal toxicity tests might be an important consideration when assessing the hazards of materials to aquatic organisms (See Guide E1023) or deriving water quality criteria for aquatic organisms (5).5.5 Results of algal toxicity tests might be useful for studying biological availability of, and structure-activity relationships between, test materials.5.6 Results of algal toxicity tests will depend on the temperature, composition of the growth medium, and other factors. These tests are conducted in solutions that contain concentrations of salts, minerals, and nutrients that greatly exceed those in most surface waters. These conditions may over- or under-estimate the effects of the test material if discharged to surface waters.1.1 This guide covers procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects of a test material added to growth medium on growth of certain species of freshwater and saltwater microalgae during a static exposure. These procedures will probably be useful for conducting short-term toxicity tests with other species of algae, although modifications might be necessary. Although the test duration is comparable to an acute toxicity test with aquatic animals, an algal toxicity test of short duration (72, 96 or 120 h) allows for examination of effects upon multiple generations of an algal population and thus should not be viewed as an acute toxicity test.1.2 Other modifications of these procedures might be justified by special needs or circumstances. Although using appropriate procedures is more important than following prescribed procedures, results of tests conducted using unusual procedures are not likely to be comparable to results of many other tests. Comparison of results obtained using modified and unmodified versions of these procedures might provide useful information concerning new concepts and procedures for conducting toxicity tests with microalgae.1.3 These procedures are applicable to many chemicals, either individually or in formulations, commercial products, or known mixtures. With appropriate modifications, these procedures can be used to conduct tests on temperature, and pH and on such materials as aqueous effluents (see Guide E1192), leachates, oils, particulate matter, sediments, and surface waters. Static tests might not be applicable to materials that are highly volatile, are rapidly biologically or chemically transformed in aqueous solutions, or are removed from test solutions in substantial quantities by the test vessels or organisms during the test. (1)3 However, practical flow-through test procedures with microalgae have not been developed.1.4 Results of tests using microalgae should usually be reported in terms of the 96-h (or other time period) IC50 (see 3.2.5) based on reduction in growth. In some situations, it might only be necessary to determine whether a specific concentration unacceptably affects the growth of the test species or whether the IC50 is above or below a specific concentration.1.5 This guide is arranged as follows:  SectionReferenced Documents 2Terminology 3Summary of Guide 4 5Hazards 7Apparatus 6 Facilities 6.1 Equipment 6.2 Test Vessels 6.3 Cleaning 6.4 Acceptability 6.5Growth Medium 8Test Material 9 General 9.1 Stock Solution 9.2 Test Concentration(s) 9.3Test Organisms 10 Species 10.1 Source 10.2 Culture 10.3 Quality 10.4Procedure 11 Experimental Design 11.1 Temperature 11.2 Illumination 11.3 Beginning the Test 11.4 Gas Exchange 11.5 Duration of Test 11.6 Biological Data 11.7 Other Measurements 11.8 Determination of Algistatic and Algicidal Effects 11.8.5Analytical Methodology 12Acceptability of Test 13Calculation 14Report 15Keywords 161.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard statements are given in Section 7.1.7 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 Protection of an aquatic species requires prevention of unacceptable effects on populations in natural habitats. Toxicity tests are conducted to provide data that may be used to predict what changes in numbers and weights of individuals might result from similar exposure to the test material in the natural aquatic environment. Information might also be obtained on the effects of the material on the health of the species.5.2 Results of life-cycle tests with D. magna are used to predict chronic effects likely to occur on daphnids in field situations as a result of exposure under comparable conditions.5.2.1 Life-cycle tests with D. magna are used to compare the chronic sensitivities of different species, the chronic toxicities of different materials, and study the effects of various environmental factors on the results of such tests.5.2.2 Life-cycle tests with D. magna are used to assess the risk of materials to aquatic organisms (see Guide E1023) or derive water quality criteria for aquatic organisms (1).35.2.3 Life-cycle tests with D. magna are used to extrapolate the results of chronic toxicity tests on the same test material with the same species in another water or with another species in the same or a different water. Most such predictions take into account the results of acute toxicity tests, and so the usefulness of the results of a life-cycle test with D. magna may be increased by reporting the results of an acute toxicity test (see Guide E729) conducted under the same conditions. In addition to conducting an acute toxicity test with unfed D. magna, it may be relevant to conduct an acute test in which the daphnids are fed the same as in the life-cycle test to see if the presence of that concentration of that food affects the results of the acute test and the acute-chronic ratio (ACR) (see 10.3.1).5.2.4 Life-cycle tests are used to evaluate the biological availability of, and structure-activity relationships between, test materials and test organisms.5.3 Results of life-cycle tests with D. magna might be influenced by temperature (2), quality of food, composition of dilution water, condition of test organisms, test media (for example, water hardness), and other factors.1.1 This guide covers procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects of a test material (added to dilution water, but not to food) on Daphnia magna Straus, 1820, during continuous exposure throughout a life-cycle using the renewal or flow-through techniques. These procedures also should be useful for conducting life-cycle toxicity tests with other invertebrate species and cladocerans from the same genus (for example, Daphnia pulex), although modifications might be necessary.1.2 These procedures are applicable to most chemicals, either individually or in formulations, commercial products, or known mixtures. With appropriate modifications, these procedures can be used to conduct tests on temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and on such materials as aqueous effluents (also see Guide E1192), leachates, oils, particulate matter, sediments, and surface waters. The technique, (renewal or flow-through), will be selected based on the chemical characteristics of the test material such as high oxygen demand, volatility, susceptibility to transformation (biologically or chemically), or sorption to glass.1.3 Modification of these procedures might be justified by special needs or circumstances. Although using appropriate procedures is more important than following prescribed procedures, results of tests conducted using unusual procedures are not likely to be comparable to results of standard test procedures. Comparison of results obtained using modified and unmodified versions of these procedures might provide useful information on new concepts and procedures for conducting life-cycle toxicity tests with D. magna. Appendix X3 provides modifications for conducting the chronic toxicity test method with D. pulex Leydig, 1860.1.4 This guide is arranged as follows:    Section       Referenced Documents 2  Terminology 3  Summary of Guide 4  5  Apparatus 6   Facilities 6.1   Construction Materials 6.2   Test Chambers 6.3   Cleaning 6.4   Acceptability 6.5  Reagents 7   Purity of Reagents 7.1  Hazards 8  Dilution Water 9   Requirements 9.1   Source 9.2   Treatment 9.3   Characterization 9.4  Test Material 10   General 10.1   Stock Solutions 10.2   Test Concentrations(s) 10.3  Test Organisms 11   Species 11.1   Age 11.2   Source 11.3   Brood Stock 11.4   Food 11.5   Handling 11.6   Harvesting Young 11.7   Quality 11.8  Procedure 12   Experimental Design 12.1   Dissolved Oxygen 12.2   Temperature 12.3   Loading 12.4   Selection of Test System 12.5   Beginning the Test 12.6   Care and Maintenance 12.7   Feeding 12.8   Duration 12.9   Biological Data 12.10   Other Measurements 12.11  Analytical Methodology 13  Acceptability of Test 14  Calculation of Results 15  Report 16  Keywords 17  Appendixes     Appendix X1 Statistical Guidance     Appendix X2 Food     Appendix X3 Modifications for Conducting Chronic Life Cycle Analysis Tests with Daphnia Pulex  1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard statements are given in Section 8.1.7 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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ASTM E1963-22 Standard Guide for Conducting Terrestrial Plant Toxicity Tests Active 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

5.1 Terrestrial phytotoxicity tests are useful in assessing the effects of environmental samples or specific chemicals as a part of an ecological risk assessment (3-6, 12, 13).5.2 Though inferences regarding higher-order ecological effects (population, community, or landscape) may be made from the results, these tests evaluate responses of individuals of one or more plant species to the test substance.5.3 This guide is applicable for: (a) establishing phytotoxicity of organic and inorganic substances; (b) determining the phytotoxicity of environmental samples; (c) determining the phytotoxicity of sludges and hazardous wastes, (d) assessing the impact of discharge of toxicants to land, and (e) assessing the effectiveness of remediation efforts.1.1 This guide covers practices for conducting plant toxicity tests using terrestrial plant species to determine effects of test substances on plant growth and development. Specific test procedures are presented in accompanying annexes.1.2 Terrestrial plants are vital components of ecological landscapes. The populations and communities of plants influence the distribution and abundance of wildlife. Obviously, plants are the central focus of agriculture, forestry, and rangelands. Toxicity tests conducted under the guidelines and annexes presented herein can provide critical information regarding the effects of chemicals on the establishment and maintenance of terrestrial plant communities.1.3 Toxic substances that prevent or reduce seed germination can have immediate and large impacts to crops. In natural systems, many desired species may be sensitive, while other species are tolerant. Such selective pressure can result in changes in species diversity, population dynamics, and community structure that may be considered undesirable. Similarly, toxic substances may impair the growth and development of seedlings resulting in decreased plant populations, decreased competitive abilities, reduced reproductive capacity, and lowered crop yield. For the purposes of this guide, test substances include pesticides, industrial chemicals, sludges, metals or metalloids, and hazardous wastes that could be added to soil. It also includes environmental samples that may have had any of these test substances incorporated into soil.1.4 Terrestrial plants range from annuals, capable of completing a life-cycle in as little as a few weeks, to long-lived perennials that grow and reproduce for several hundreds of years. Procedures to evaluate chemical effects on plants range from short-term measures of physiological responses (for example, chlorophyll fluorescence) to field studies of trees over several years. Research and development of standardized plant tests have emphasized three categories of tests: (1) short-term, physiological endpoints (that is, biomarkers); (2) short-term tests conducted during the early stages of plant growth with several endpoints related to survival, growth, and development; and (3) life-cycle toxicity tests that emphasize reproductive success.1.5 This guide is arranged by sections as follows:Section Title1 2 Referenced Documents3 Terminology4 Summary of Phytotoxicity Tests5 6 Apparatus7 Test Material8 Hazards9 Test Organisms10 Sample Handling and Storage11 Calibration and Standardization12 Test Conditions13 Interference and Limitations14 Quality Assurance and Quality Control15 Calculations and Interpretation of Results16 Precision and Bias1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precautionary statements are given in Section 8.1.8 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 While federal criteria and state standards exist that define acute and chronic “safe” levels in the water column, effects levels in the sediment are poorly defined and may be dependent upon numerous modifying factors. Even where USEPA recommended Water Quality Criteria (WQC, (49)) are not exceeded by water-borne concentrations, organisms that live in or near the sediment may still be adversely affected (50). Therefore, simply measuring the concentration of a chemical in the sediment or in the water is often insufficient to evaluate its actual environmental toxicity. Concentrations of contaminants in sediment may be much higher than concentrations in overlying water; this is especially true of hydrophobic organic compounds as well as inorganic ions that have a strong affinity for organic ligands and negatively-charged surfaces. Higher chemical concentrations in sediment do not, however, always translate to greater toxicity or bioaccumulation (51), although research also suggests that amending sediment with organic matter actually increases the bioaccumulation of contaminant particles (52, 53). Other factors that can potentially influence sediment bioaccumulation and toxicity include pH mineralogical composition, acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) grain size, and temperature (54-56). Laboratory toxicity tests provide a direct and effective way to evaluate the impacts of sediment contamination on environmental receptors while providing empirical consideration of all of the physical, chemical and biological parameters that may influence toxicity.5.2 Amphibians are often a major ecosystem component of wetlands around the world, however limited data are available regarding the effects of sediment-bound contaminants to amphibians (39, 41, 43, 55, 57, 58). Laboratory studies such as the procedure described in this standard are one means of directly assessing sediment toxicity to amphibians in order to evaluate potential ecological risks in wetlands.5.3 Results from sediment testing with this procedure may be useful in developing chemical-specific sediment screening values for amphibians.5.4 Sediment toxicity test can be used to demonstrate the reaction of test organisms to the specific combination of physical and chemical characteristics in an environmental medium. The bioavailability of chemicals is dependent on a number of factors, which are both site-specific and medium-specific. Although many of these factors can be estimated using equilibrium partitioning techniques, it is difficult to account for all the physical and chemical properties which could potentially affect bioavailability. Sediment toxicity tests may be particularly applicable to evaluating hydrophobic compounds which may not readily partition into the water column. See Table 1 for a summary of advantages and disadvantages associated with sediment toxicity tests.1.1 This standard covers procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the toxicity of test material (for example, sediment or hydric soil (that is, a soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic (oxygen-lacking) conditions that favor the growth and regeneration of hydrophytic vegetation)) to amphibians. This test procedure uses larvae of the northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens). Other anuran species (for example, the green frog (Lithobates clamitans), the wood frog (Lithobates sylvatica), the American toad (Bufo americanus)) may be used if sufficient data on handling, feeding, and sensitivity are available. Test material may be sediments or hydric soil collected from the field or spiked with compounds in the laboratory.1.2 The test procedure describes a 10-d whole sediment toxicity test with an assessment of mortality and selected sublethal endpoints (that is, body width, body length). The toxicity tests are conducted in 300 to 500-mL chambers containing 100 mL of sediment and 175 mL of overlying water. Overlying water is renewed daily and larval amphibians are fed during the toxicity test once they reach Gosner stage 25 (operculum closure over gills). The test procedure is designed to assess freshwater sediments, however, R. pipiens can tolerate mildly saline water (not exceeding about 2500 mg Cl-/L, equivalent to a salinity of about 4.1 when Na+ is the cation) in 10-d tests, although such tests should always include a concurrent freshwater control. Alternative test durations and sublethal endpoints may be considered based on site-specific needs. Statistical evaluations are conducted to determine whether test materials are significantly more toxic than the laboratory control sediment or a field-collected reference sample(s).1.3 Where appropriate, this standard has been designed to be consistent with previously developed methods for assessing sediment toxicity to invertebrates (for example, Hyalella azteca and Chironomus dilutus toxicity tests) described in the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, (1))2 freshwater sediment testing guidance, Test Methods E1367 and E1706, and Guides E1391, E1525, E1611, and E1688. Tests extending to 10 d or beyond, and including sublethal measurements such as growth, are considered more effective in identifying chronic toxicity and thus delineating areas of moderate contamination (1-3).1.4 Many historical amphibian studies, both water and sediment exposure, have used tests of shorter duration (5 days or less) (for example, 4-7) and, although both survival and sublethal endpoints were often assessed, there is substantive evidence that tests of longer duration are likely to be more sensitive to some contaminants (8-10). Research performed to develop and validate this test protocol included long-term (through metamorphosis) investigations and other researchers have also conducted long-duration tests with anurans (7-20). Interestingly, some studies with anurans have shown significantly reduced growth (for example, whole body mass, snout-vent length) can be detected earlier in a longer-term test (for example, at 14-20 d), but cannot be statistically distinguished in older organisms later in the test (11, 14). In the development of these procedures, an attempt was made to balance the needs of a practical assessment with the importance of assessing longer-term effects so that the results will demonstrate the needed accuracy and precision. The most recent sediment toxicity testing protocols for invertebrates have encompassed longer duration studies which allow the measurement of reproductive endpoints (1, 21). Such tests, because of increased sensitivity of the sublethal endpoints, may also be helpful in evaluating toxicity. Full life-cycle studies with anurans (including reproduction) are usually not feasible from either a technical or monetary standpoint. However, if site-specific information indicates that the contaminants present are likely to affect other endpoints (including teratogenicity), then the duration of the toxicity test may be increased through metamorphosis or additional sublethal endpoints may be measured (for example, impaired behavior, deformities, time-to-metamorphosis). The possible inclusion of these endpoints and extension of test length should be considered during development of the project or study plan (see 8.1.1).1.5 The methodology presented in this standard was developed under a Department of Defense (DoD) research program and presented in a guidance manual for risk assessment staff and state/federal regulators involved in the review and approval of risk assessment work plans and reports (22). To develop this method, a number of tests with spiked sediment tests were conducted (22, 23). Since development of the methodology it has been used operationally to evaluate field-collected sediments from several state and federal environmental sites (24, 25). For most of these studies the preferred test organisms, Lithobates pipiens, was used. At a lead-contaminated state-led site, operated by the Massachusetts Highway Department, Xenopus laevis(African clawed frog) was used in the sediment test system because of availability problems with Lithobates pipiens (26), The test method was also used to evaluate sediment toxicity at a cadmium-contaminated USEPA Region 4-led site in Tennessee (27). The methodology was used to help characterize potential effects of contaminants on amphibians and to help develop preliminary remedial goals, if warranted. All tests evaluated survival and growth effects after 10 d of exposure in accordance with the methods presented in this standard.1.6 The use of larval amphibians to assess environmental toxicity is not novel. Researchers have used tadpoles to examine toxicity of metals and organic compounds. Most of these studies have been through water exposure, usually in a manner similar to fish or invertebrate exposure as described in Guide E729 (28-40). Fewer studies have focused on exposure of anuran larvae to sediments, and the methods employed vary widely, from in situ enclosures (15, 41) to laboratory tests using variable exposure conditions and organism ages (4, 8, 14, 39, 42-44). No studies were identified that used the same test conditions as described in this standard. However, several laboratory-based evaluations of sediment effects on amphibians are described in the following subsections.1.6.1 Sediment toxicity tests conducted in the laboratory with amphibians were performed over a range of test durations from 4 d (4, 39, 42, Guide E1439-98 Appendix X2) to 12 d (44) and through metamorphosis (8, 14, 43). Sediment toxicity tests with anurans native to North America were started with larval tadpoles between Gosner stages 23 and 25 (8, 43, 44). Test temperatures were between 21 °C and 23 °C and feeding began after tadpoles reached Gosner stage 25. Food sources were TetraMin3(8), boiled romaine lettuce (43), boiled romaine lettuce and flaked fish food (14), or boiled romaine lettuce and dissipated rabbit food pellets (44). Tests were conducted in static renewal mode with water replacements conducted at varying rates (daily (42, 44), weekly (8), every 3 to 5 d (43)). Test design (number of replicates, test vessel size, number of organisms per replicate) varied depending on the objective of the study with several tests conducted in aquaria (14, 43) , large bins (8), or swimming pools (44). Endpoints evaluated at test termination included survival (4, 8, 14, 42-44), growth (8, 14, 42-44), bioaccumulation of metals (8), developmental rates (8, 14, 43), deformities (14, 42, 43), swimming speed (44) and foraging activity levels (43).1.6.2 To assess the effect of direct contact with the sediments containing PCBs, Savage et al. (43) exposed larval tadpoles (Gosner stage 23 to 25; wood frogs (R. sylvatica)) to field-collected sediments under conditions that allowed both direct contact with the sediment and separation from the sediment with a 500 μm mesh barrier. The study found that lethal and sublethal effects on tadpoles observed through metamorphosis were more pronounced when direct contact with the sediment was allowed. Fuentes et al. (39) evaluated the acute toxicity of two Roundup4 (a widely used herbicide with the active ingredient glyphosate) formulations to six anuran species, including Lithobates pipiens, under both water-only and water-+sediment conditions. The study found that toxicity of the glyphosate-based herbicides was reduced in the presence of sediment, likely due to sorption to sediment particles and associated organic matter. The test conditions described in this standard allow tadpoles to maintain direct contact with the sediment.1.6.3 Sediment toxicity testing with Xenopus laevis has focused on evaluating the developmental effects of sediment extracts, as opposed to whole sediments, on frog embryos. Methods have been developed which expose blastula stage embryos to sediment by enclosing the embryos in a Teflon mesh insert that rests over the top of the sediment in the sediment–water interface region ((42), Guide E1439-98 Appendix X2). These studies are conducted evaluate survival, growth, and physical malformations of the embryos after a 4-d exposure period. The test conditions described in this standard allow more direct contact with the sediment, using older test organisms, and a longer exposure duration.1.7 Amphibian species may be key receptors of potential chemicals of concern at contaminated sites. Although historically not often included in risk assessments, the importance of amphibians as both sensitive and keystone species is increasingly recognized, particularly considering the decline in amphibian worldwide populations, which may be driven by multiple localized stress agents rather than a single, dominating cause (45). The lack of amphibian representation as surrogate species is likely due to multiple factors including scant knowledge of local amphibian populations and life histories, the paucity of applicable toxicity data, and inconsistency in standardized assessment protocols. A review of ecological risk assessment methods for amphibians and gaps in existing amphibian toxicity data and methods is provided by Johnson et al. (46). The importance of amphibians in the ecological risk assessment process is recognized by Environment and Climate Change Canada in the Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance under the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (47). Sediment toxicity tests are an effective means for evaluating the impact of sediment contamination on amphibians in a multiple lines of evidence paradigm. The evaluation is most powerful when toxicity testing sampling stations are co-located with sediment analytical chemistry samples and ecological surveys, allowing for a detailed evaluation of the co-occurring data in the ecological risk assessment. The spatial and temporal co-location of toxicity testing and analytical samples is particularly important for establishing contaminant-specific effects and assessing contaminant bioavailability.1.8 In order for a sediment toxicity test to be sensitive it must be of sufficient duration to measure potential toxicity and it must be conducted during the appropriate developmental stage of the test organism’s life cycle. Using recently hatched tadpoles and conducting the sediment exposure test for 10 d to allow the evaluation of growth endpoints meets both of these sensitivity requirements.1.9 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.11 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 An important goal of aquatic toxicology is to determine the effects of toxic compounds on species that play a central role in aquatic communities. Rotifers have a major impact on several important ecological processes in freshwater and coastal marine environments. As filter-feeders on phytoplankton and bacteria, rotifers exert substantial grazing pressure that at times exceeds that of the larger crustacean zooplankton (1, 2).4 Rotifer grazing on phytoplankton is highly selective (2-4) and can influence phytoplankton composition, the coexistence of competitors, and overall water quality (5). The contribution of rotifers to the secondary production of many aquatic communities is substantial (6-9). In fresh water, rotifers often account for the major fraction of zooplankton biomass at certain times of the year (10, 11) . Rotifers and other zooplankton are a significant food source for many larval fish, planktivorous adult fish (12, 13), and several invertebrate predators (14-16). The high metabolic rates of rotifers contribute to their role in nutrient cycling, which might make rotifers more important than crustaceans in certain communities (17, 18).5.2 In addition to their important ecological role in aquatic communities, rotifers are attractive organisms for toxicological studies because an extensive database exists on the basic biology of this group. Techniques have been published for the culture of many rotifer species (3, 19). The rotifer life cycle is well defined (20, 21), and the factors regulating it are reasonably well understood (22-25). Several aspects of rotifer behavior have been examined closely (26-29). The biogeography of many rotifer species has been characterized (30, 31), and the systematics of the group are well described (32, 33).5.3 Toxicity tests with rotifers of the genus Brachionus are more easily performed than with many other aquatic animals because of their rapid reproduction, short generation times, sensitivity (34), and the commercial availability of rotifer cysts. Brachionus spp. have a cosmopolitan distribution that spans six continents (31), and they are ecologically important members of many aquatic communities impacted by pollution. The use of B. plicatilis in an acute toxicity test for estuarine and marine environments and B. rubens in fresh water has been described, as well as their sensitivity to several toxicants (35, 36, 37, 38).5.3.1 High correlations were found between the no observed effect concentrations (NOECs) or 10 percent effect concentrations (EC10s) for Pseudokirchneriella sp. after 72-hour exposures; for 2-day Brachionus NOECs/EC10s, and for 21-day Daphnia magna NOECs among 16 chemicals (37). The toxicological response of rotifers and microalgae were within the same order of magnitude as the response of Daphnia in 80 % of the cases (that is, 13/16 chemicals).5.4 The test described here is fast, easy to execute, sensitive and cost-effective. Obtaining test animals from cysts greatly reduces some of the major problems in routine aquatic toxicological testing, such as the limited availability of test animals and the inconsistency of sensitivity over time. Rotifers hatched from cysts are of similar age and are physiologically uniform, thus eliminating pre-test conditions as a source of variability in the toxicity test. Cysts can be shipped inexpensively world-wide, allowing all laboratories to use standard, genetically defined strains that have been calibrated with reference toxicants. The convenience of an off-the-shelf source of test animals that require no pre-conditioning is likely to permit new applications of aquatic toxicity tests.5.5 Sensitivity to toxicants is compound and species specific, but the sensitivity of B. calyciflorus is generally comparable to that of Daphnia (39).5.6 Rotifer cysts are commercially available, but these can also be obtained from natural populations and from laboratory cultures. Techniques for rotifer cyst production in laboratory populations have been described (24, 25, 40, 41). However, using a well-characterized rotifer strain is best, since strains are known to have differing toxicant sensitivities.1.1 This guide describes procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the acute toxicity of chemicals and aqueous effluents released into fresh, estuarine or marine waters. Acute toxicity is measured by exposing Brachionus newly hatched from cysts to a series of toxicant concentrations under controlled conditions. This guide describes a test for using B. calyciflorus, a freshwater rotifer, and the Appendix describes modifications of this test for estuarine and marine waters using B. plicatilis. These procedures lead to an estimation of acute toxicity, including the concentration expected to kill 50 % of the test rotifers (LC50) in 24 h. Procedures not specifically stated in this guide should be conducted in accordance with Guide E729 and Guide E1192.1.2 Modifications of these procedures might be justified by special needs or circumstances. Although using appropriate procedures is more important than following prescribed procedures, the results of tests conducted using modified procedures might not be comparable to rotifer acute tests that follow the protocol described here. Comparison of the results using modified procedures might provide useful information concerning new concepts and procedures for conducting acute toxicity tests on chemicals and aqueous effluents.1.3 This guide is organized as follows: Section   1Referenced Documents  2Terminology  3Summary of Guide  4  5Apparatus  6Dilution Water  7Hazards  8Test Material  9Test Organisms 10Test Procedure 11Calculation of Results 12Acceptability of the Test 13Report 14Keywords 151.4 These procedures are applicable to most chemicals, either individually or in formulations, commercial products, or mixtures. This guide can also be used to investigate the effects on rotifer survival of pH, hardness, and salinity and on materials such as aqueous effluents, leachates, oils, particulate matter, sediments, and surface waters. This guide might not be appropriate for materials with high oxygen demand, with high volatility, subject to rapid biological or chemical transformation or those readily sorb to test chambers.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazards statements, see Section 8.1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 Sediment provides habitat for many aquatic organisms and is a major repository for many of the more persistent chemicals that are introduced into surface waters. In the aquatic environment, most anthropogenic chemicals and waste materials including toxic organic and inorganic chemicals can accumulate in sediment, which can in turn serve as a source of exposure for organisms living on or in sediment. Contaminated sediments may be directly toxic to aquatic life or can be a source of contaminants for bioaccumulation in the food chain.5.2 The objective of a sediment test is to determine whether chemicals in sediment are harmful to or are bioaccumulated by benthic organisms. The tests can be used to measure interactive toxic effects of complex chemical mixtures in sediment. Furthermore, knowledge of specific pathways of interactions among sediments and test organisms is not necessary to conduct the tests. Sediment tests can be used to: (1) determine the relationship between toxic effects and bioavailability, (2) investigate interactions among chemicals, (3) compare the sensitivities of different organisms, (4) determine spatial and temporal distribution of contamination, (5) evaluate hazards of dredged material, (6) measure toxicity as part of product licensing or safety testing, (7) rank areas for clean up, and (8) estimate the effectiveness of remediation or management practices.5.3 Results of toxicity tests on sediments spiked at different concentrations of chemicals can be used to establish cause and effect relationships between chemicals and biological responses. Results of toxicity tests with test materials spiked into sediments at different concentrations may be reported in terms of a LC50 (median lethal concentration), an EC50 (median effect concentration), an IC50 (inhibition concentration), or as a NOEC (no observed effect concentration) or LOEC (lowest observed effect concentration). However, spiked sediment may not be representative of chemicals associated with sediment in the field. Mixing time, aging and the chemical form of the material can affect responses of test organisms in spiked sediment tests (10.6).5.4 Evaluating effect concentrations for chemicals in sediment requires knowledge of factors controlling their bioavailability. Similar concentrations of a chemical in units of mass of chemical per mass of sediment dry weight often exhibit a range in toxicity in different sediments (Di Toro et al. 1990 (4), 1991 (2)). Effect concentrations of chemicals in sediment have been correlated to interstitial water concentrations, and effect concentrations in interstitial water are often similar to effect concentrations in water-only exposures. The bioavailability of nonionic organic compounds and metals in sediment is often inversely correlated with the organic carbon concentration; moreover, the bioavailability of metals in sediment are often inversely correlated with acid volatile sulfide. Whatever the route of exposure, these correlations of effect concentrations to interstitial water concentrations indicate that predicted or measured concentrations in interstitial water can be used to quantify the exposure concentration to an organism. Therefore, information on partitioning of chemicals between solid and liquid phases of sediment is useful for establishing effect concentrations (DiToro et al. 1990 (4), 1991 (2); Wenning et al. 2005 (19)).5.5 Field surveys can be designed to provide either a qualitative reconnaissance of the distribution of sediment contamination or a quantitative statistical comparison of contamination among sites. Surveys of sediment toxicity are usually part of more comprehensive analyses of biological, chemical, geological, and hydrographic data (USEPA 2002a, b, and c) (20-22). Statistical correlations may be improved and sampling costs may be reduced if subsamples are taken simultaneously for sediment tests, chemical analyses, and benthic community structure.5.6 Table 1 lists several approaches used to assess of sediment quality. These approaches include: (1) equilibrium partitioning sediment guidelines (ESGs; USEPA 2003 (23), 2005 (24); Nowell et al. 2016 (25)), (2) empirical sediment quality guidelines (for example, probable effect concentrations, PECs; MacDonald et al. 2000 (26), Ingersoll et al. 2001 (27)), (3) tissue residues, (4) interstitial water toxicity, (5) whole-sediment toxicity with field-collected sediment tests and with sediment-spiking tests, (6) benthic community structure, and (7) sediment quality triad integrating data from sediment chemistry, sediment toxicity and benthic community structure (Burton 1991 (28), Chapman et al. 1997 (29), USEPA 2002a, b, and c (20-22)). The sediment assessment approaches listed in Table 1 can be classified as numeric (for example, ESGs), descriptive (for example, whole-sediment toxicity tests), or a combination of numeric and descriptive approaches (for example, PECs). Numeric methods can be used to derive chemical-specific effects-based sediment quality guidelines (SQGs). Although each approach can be used to make site-specific decisions, no one single approach can adequately address sediment quality. Overall, an integration of several methods using the weight of evidence is the most desirable approach for assessing the effects of contaminants associated with sediment (USEPA 2002a, b, and c (20-22), Wenning et al. 2005 (19), Guide E1525, Guide E3163). Hazard evaluations integrating data from laboratory exposures, chemical analyses, and benthic community assessments (the sediment quality triad) provide strong complementary evidence of the degree of pollution-induced degradation in aquatic communities (Burton 1991 (28), Chapman et al. 1997 (29)). Importantly, the weight of the evidence needed to make a decision (number of methods used) should be determined based on the weight (cost) of the decision.1.1 Relevance of Sediment Contamination—Sediment provides habitat for many aquatic organisms and is a major repository for many of the more persistent chemicals that are introduced into surface waters. In the aquatic environment, both organic and inorganic chemicals may accumulate in sediment, which can in turn serve as a source of exposure for organisms living on or in sediment. Contaminated sediments may be directly toxic to aquatic life or can be a source of contaminants for bioaccumulation in the food chain.1.2 Sediment Assessment Tools—Several types of information may be useful in assessing the risk, or potential risk, posed by sediment contaminants, including: (1) chemical analysis of sediment contaminants; (2) sediment toxicity tests, (3) bioaccumulation tests; and (4) surveys of benthic community structure. Each of these provides a different type of information to the assessment, and integrating information from all four lines of evidence may often provide the most robust assessments.1.3 Strengths of Toxicity Testing of Contaminated Sediments—Directly assessing the toxicity of contaminated sediments provides some of the same advantages to sediment assessment that whole effluent toxicity testing provides to management of industrial and municipal effluents. As for effluent tests, direct testing of sediment toxicity allows the assessment of biological effects even if: (1) the identities of toxic chemicals present are not (or not completely) known; (2) the influence of site-specific characteristics of sediments on toxicity (bioavailability) is not understood; and (3) the interactive or aggregate effects of mixtures of chemicals present are not known or cannot be adequately predicted. In addition, testing the response of benthic or epibenthic organisms exposed via sediment provides an assessment that is based on the same routes of exposure that would exist in nature, rather than only through water column exposure.1.4 Relating Sediment Exposure to Toxicity—One of the challenges with sediment assessment is that the toxicity of sediment contaminants can vary greatly with differences in sediment characteristics; a bulk sediment concentration (normalized to dry weight) may be sufficient to cause toxicity in one sediment, while the same concentration in another sediment does not cause toxicity (for example, Adams et al. 1985) (1).2 Factors such as the amount and characteristics of the organic carbon present in sediment can alter the bioavailability of many chemicals (Di Toro et al. 1991 (2); Ghosh 2007 (3)), as can other characteristics such as acid volatile sulfide or iron and manganese oxides (Di Toro et al. 1990 (4), Tessier et al. 1996 (5)). Direct measurement of toxicity in contaminated sediments can provide a means to measure the aggregate effects of such factors on the bioavailability of sediment toxicants.1.5 Understanding the Causes of Sediment Toxicity—While direct testing of sediment toxicity has the advantage of being able to detect the effects of any toxic chemical present, it has the disadvantage of not providing any specific indication of what chemical or chemicals are causing the observed responses. Other techniques, such as spiked-sediment toxicity tests or Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE) methods for sediments have been developed and are available to help evaluate cause/effect relationships (USEPA 2007) (6).1.6 Uses of Sediment Toxicity Tests—Toxicity tests conducted on sediments collected from field locations can be used to: (1) conduct surveys of sediment quality as measured by sediment toxicity; (2) prioritize areas of sediment for more detailed investigation of sediment contamination; (3) determine the spatial extent of sediment toxicity; (4) compare the sensitivity of different organisms to sediment contamination; (5) evaluate the relationship between the degree of sediment contamination and biological effects along a contamination gradient; (6) evaluate the suitability of sediments for removal and placement at other location (for example, dredged material disposal); (7) help establish goals for remedial actions; and (8) assess the effectiveness of remedial actions at reducing sediment toxicity. These applications are generally targeted at assessing the likely biological effects of bedded sediments at field sites at the time of sampling. However, toxicity testing of natural or artificial sediments spiked with known quantities of chemicals can also be used to evaluate additional questions such as: (1) determining the potency of a chemical to organisms exposed via sediment; (2) evaluating the effect of sediment composition on chemical bioavailability or toxicity; (3) informing chemical-specific risk assessments for chemicals that may accumulate and persist in sediments upon release; (4) establishing regulatory guidance for chemicals in water or sediment. Spiked sediment studies have the advantage of allowing uni-variate experiments in which exposure gradients can be reliably constructed; as such they lend themselves to the derivation of standardized point estimates of effect, such as a median lethal concentration (LC50) or concentration reducing sublethal performance by a specified amount, such as an effect concentration (for example, EC20 estimated to reduce weight of test organisms by 20 %).1.7 Limitations—While some safety considerations are included in this standard, it is beyond the scope of this standard to encompass all safety requirements necessary to conduct sediment toxicity tests.1.8 This standard is arranged as follows:   Section 1Referenced Documents 2Terminology 3Summary of Test Methods 4 5Interferences 6Water, Formulated Sediments, Reagents 7Health, Safety, Waste Management, Biosecurity 8Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies 9Sample Collection, Storage, Characterization, and Spiking 10Quality Assurance and Quality Control 11Collection, Culturing, and Maintaining the Amphipod Hyalella azteca and the Midge Chironomus dilutus 12Interpretation of Results and and Reporting 13Precision and Bias 14Keywords 15Annexes  Guidance for 10-d Sediment or Water Toxicity Tests with the Amphipod Hyalella azteca Annex A1Guidance for 42-d Sediment or Water Reproductive Toxicity Tests with the Amphipod Hyalella azteca Annex A2Guidance for 10-d Sediment or Water Toxicity Tests with the Midge Chironomus dilutus Annex A3Guidance for Sediment or Water Life Cycle Toxicity Tests with the Midge Chironomus dilutus Annex A4Guidance for Sediment Toxicity Tests with Juvenile Freshwater Mussels Annex A5Guidance for Sediment Toxicity Tests with the Midge Chironomus riparius Annex A6Guidance for Sediment Toxicity Tests with Mayflies (Hexagenia spp). Annex A7Guidance for Sediment Toxicity Tests with the Oligochaete Tubifex tubifex Annex A8References  1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard statements are given in Section 8.1.10 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 Protection of a species requires the prevention of detrimental effects of chemicals on the survival, growth, reproduction, health, and uses of individuals of that species. Behavioral toxicity tests provide information concerning the sublethal effects of chemicals and signal the presence of toxic test substances.5.1.1 The locomotory, feeding, and social responses of fish are adaptive and essential to survival. Major changes in these responses may result in a diminished ability to survive, grow, avoid predation, or reproduce and cause significant changes in the natural population (8). Fish behavioral responses are known to be highly sensitive to environmental variables as well as toxic substances.5.2 Results from behavioral toxicity tests may be useful for measuring injury resulting from the release of hazardous materials (9).5.3 Behavioral responses can also be qualitatively assessed in a systematic manner during toxicity tests to discern trends in sublethal contaminant effects (5).5.4 The assessment of locomotory, feeding, and social behaviors is useful for monitoring effluents and sediments from contaminated field sites as well as for defining no-effect concentrations in the laboratory or under controlled field conditions. Such behavioral modifications provide an index of sublethal toxicity and also indicate the potential for subsequent mortality.5.5 Behavioral toxicity data can be used to predict the effects of exposure likely to occur in the natural environment (10).5.6 Results from behavioral toxicity tests might be an important consideration when assessing the hazard of materials to aquatic organisms. Such results might also be used when deriving water quality criteria for fish and aquatic invertebrate organisms.5.7 Results from behavioral toxicity tests can be used to compare the sensitivities of different species, the relative toxicity of different chemical substances on the same organism, or the effect of various environmental variables on the toxicity of a chemical substance.5.8 Results of behavioral toxicity tests can be useful in guiding decisions regarding the extent of remedial action needed for contaminated aquatic and terrestrial sites.5.9 The behavioral characteristics of a particular organism need to be understood and defined before a response can be used as a measure of toxicity (11). Swimming, feeding, and social behavior varies among species as well as among life stages within a species; the most effective test methods are therefore those tailored to a particular life stage of a single species. The range of variability of any behavioral response of unexposed organisms is influenced by genetic, experiential, physiological, and environmental factors. It is thus important to avoid selecting test organisms from populations that may vary in these factors.5.10 Results of behavioral toxicity tests will depend on the behavioral response measured, testing conditions, water quality, species, genetic strain, life stage, health, and condition of test organisms. The behavioral response may therefore be affected by the test environment.5.11 No numerical value or range of values has been defined as the norm for swimming, feeding, or social behavior for any fish; the detection of abnormal activity is therefore based on comparisons of the responses of exposed fish, either with activity measured during a baseline or pre-exposure period or observations of fish under a control treatment (10).5.12 These measures are incorporated readily into standard toxicity test protocols, with minimal stress to the test organism.1.1 This guide covers some general information on methods for qualitative and quantitative assessment of the behavioral responses of fish during standard laboratory toxicity tests to measure the sublethal effects of exposure to chemical substances. This guide is meant to be an adjunct to toxicity tests and should not interfere with those test procedures.1.2 Behavioral toxicosis occurs when chemical or other stressful conditions, such as changes in water quality or temperature, induce a behavioral change that exceeds the normal range of variability (1). Behavior includes all of the observable, recordable, or measurable activities of a living organism and reflects genetic, neurobiological, physiological, and environmental determinants (2).1.3 Behavioral methods can be used in biomonitoring, in the determination of no-observed-effect and lowest-observed-effect concentrations, and in the prediction of hazardous chemical impacts on natural populations (3).1.4 The behavioral methods described in this guide include locomotory activity, feeding, and social responses, which are critical to the survival of fish (4).1.5 This guide is arranged as follows:  Section Number  1Referenced Documents  2Terminology  3Summary of Guide  4  5Interferences  6Safety Precautions  7Responses Measured  8Test Organisms  9Facility 10Qualitative Behavioral Assessment Method 11Quantitative Behavioral Measurements 12Experimental Design 13Calculation of Test Results 14Report 151.6 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard. For an explanation of units and symbols, refer to IEEE/ASTM SI 10.1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. While some safety considerations are included in this guide, it is beyond the scope of this guide to encompass all safety requirements necessary to conduct behavioral toxicity tests. Specific hazards statements are given in Section 7.1.8 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 The term duckweed commonly refers to members of the family Lemnaceae. This family has many species world-wide in 4 genera. This guide is designed for toxicity testing with one particular clone of one species of duckweed that has been extensively studied, Lemna gibba G3, although other species such as Lemna minor or Spirodela spp. can probably also be tested using the procedures described herein.5.2 Duckweeds are widespread, free-floating aquatic plants, ranging in the world from tropical to temperate zones. Duckweeds are a source of food for waterfowl and small animals and provide food, shelter, and shade for fish. The plants also serve as physical support for a variety of small invertebrates. Duckweed is fast growing and reproduces rapidly compared with other vascular plants (1).3 Under conditions favorable for its growth, it can multiply quickly and form a dense mat in lakes, ponds, and canals, primarily in fresh water, but also in estuaries. It also grows well in effluents of wastewater treatment plants and has been suggested as a means of treating wastewaters (2). A dense mat of duckweed can block sunlight and aeration and cause fish kills (3).5.3 Duckweed is small enough that large laboratory facilities are not necessary, but large enough that effects can be observed visually.5.4 Because duckweed is a floating macrophyte, it might be particularly susceptible to surface active and hydrophobic chemicals that concentrate at the air-water interface. Results of duckweed tests on such chemicals, therefore, might be substantially different from those obtained with other aquatic species.5.5 Results of toxicity tests with duckweed might be used to predict effects likely to occur on duckweed in field situations as a result of exposure under comparable conditions.5.6 Results of tests with duckweed might be used to compare the toxicities of different materials and to study the effects of various environmental factors on results of such tests.5.7 Results of tests with duckweed might be an important consideration when assessing the hazards of materials to aquatic organism (see Guide E1023) or when deriving water quality criteria for aquatic organisms (4).5.8 Results of tests with duckweed might be useful for studying biological availability of, and structure-activity relationships between test materials.5.9 Results of tests with duckweed will depend on temperature, composition of the growth medium, condition of the test organisms, and other factors. The growth media that are usually used for tests with duckweed contain concentrations of salts, minerals, and nutrients that greatly exceed those in most surface waters.1.1 This guide describes procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects of a text material added to growth medium on a certain species of duckweed (Lemna gibba G3) during a 7-day exposure using the static technique. These procedures will probably be useful for conducting toxicity tests with other species of duckweed and other floating vascular plants, although modifications might be necessary.1.2 Special needs or circumstances might also justify modification of this standard. Although using appropriate procedures is more important than following prescribed procedures, results of tests conducted using unusual procedures are not likely to be comparable to results of many other tests. Comparison of results obtained using modified and unmodified versions of these procedures might provide useful information concerning new concepts and procedures for conducting tests with duckweed.1.3 The procedures in this guide are applicable to most chemicals, either individually or in formulations, commercial products, or known mixtures. With appropriate modifications these procedures can be used to conduct tests on temperature and pH and on such other materials as aqueous effluents (see also Guide E1192), leachates, oils, particulate matter, sediments and surface waters. These procedures do not specifically address effluents because to date there is little experience using duckweeds in effluent testing and such tests may pose problems with acclimation of the test organisms to the receiving water. Static tests might not be applicable to materials that have a high oxygen demand, are highly volatile, are rapidly biologically or chemically transformed in aqueous solution, or are removed from test solutions in substantial quantities by the test chambers or organisms during the test.1.4 Results of toxicity tests performed using the procedures in this guide should usually be reported in terms of the 7-day IC50 based on inhibition of growth. In some situations it might only be necessary to determine whether a specific concentration unacceptably affects the growth of the test species or whether the IC50 is above or below a specific concentration. Another end point that may be calculated is the no observed effect concentration (NOEC).1.5 The sections of this guide appear as follows:  Title Section Referenced Documents 2Terminology 3Summary of Guide 4 5Hazards 6Apparatus 7 Facilities 7.1 Test Chambers 7.2 Cleaning 7.3 Acceptability 7.4Growth Medium 8 Test Material 9 General 9.1 Stock Solution 9.2 Test Concentration(s) 9.3Test Organisms 10 Species 10.1 Source 10.2 Stock Culture 10.3Procedure 11 Experimental Design 11.1 Temperature 11.2 Illumination 11.3 Beginning the Test 11.4 Duration of Test 11.5 Biological Data 11.6 Other Measurements 11.7Analytical Methodology 12Acceptability of Test 13Calculation of Results 14Report 151.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard statements are given in Section 6.1.7 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 An acute toxicity test is conducted to assess the effects of a short term exposure of organisms to a test material under specific experimental conditions. An acute toxicity test does not provide information concerning whether delayed effects will occur and typically evaluates effects on survival. A chronic test is typically longer in duration and includes a sublethal endpoint to assess effects on a population that might occur beyond the exposure period. Because the bivalve embryo development test includes a sublethal endpoint, but is also short in duration, these tests are considered to be short-term chronic tests.5.2 Because embryos and larvae are usually assumed to be the most sensitive life stages of these bivalve mollusc species and because these species are commercially and recreationally important, results of these acute tests are often considered to be a good indication of the acceptability of pollutant concentrations to saltwater molluscan species in general. Results of these acute toxicity tests are often assumed to be an important consideration when assessing the hazard of materials to other saltwater organisms (see Guide E1023) or when deriving water quality criteria for saltwater organisms (3) .5.3 Results of short-term chronic toxicity tests might be used to predict effects likely to occur to aquatic organisms in field situations as a result of exposure under comparable conditions, except that toxicity to benthic species might depend on sorption or settling of the test material onto the substrate.5.4 Results of short-term chronic tests might be used to compare the sensitivities of different species to different test materials, and to determine the effects of various environmental factors on results of such tests.5.5 Results of short-term chronic toxicity tests might be useful for studying biological availability of, and structure activity relationships between, test materials.5.6 Results of any toxicity test will depend on temperature, composition of the dilution water, condition of the test organisms, and other factors.5.7 Results of short-term chronic toxicity tests might be used to predict effects likely to occur to aquatic organisms exposed to suspended particulates of dredged sediments disposed through the water column.5.8 Results of short-term chronic toxicity tests might be used to predict effects likely to occur to aquatic organisms exposed to a bedded whole sediments.1.1 This guide describes procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the acute effects of a test material on embryos and the resulting larvae of four species of saltwater bivalve molluscs (Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Thunberg; eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin; quahog or hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus; and the mussel species complex (Mytilus spp.) including the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis Linnaeus; the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamark; and the Northern Bay Mussel, Mytilus trossulus Gould) during static 48-h exposures. These procedures will probably be useful for conducting static short-term chronic toxicity tests starting with embryos of other bivalve species (1)2 although modifications might be necessary.1.2 Other modifications of these procedures might be justified by special needs or circumstances. Although using procedures appropriate to a particular species or special needs and circumstances is more important than following prescribed procedures, results of tests conducted by using unusual procedures are not likely to be comparable to results of many other tests. Comparison of results obtained by using modified and unmodified versions of these procedures might provide useful information concerning new concepts and procedures for conducting 48-h acute tests starting with embryos of bivalve molluscs.1.3 These procedures are applicable to most chemicals, either individually or in formulations, commercial products, or known mixtures. With appropriate modifications these procedures can be used to conduct acute tests on temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH and on such materials as aqueous effluents (see also Guide E1192), leachates, oils, particulate matter, sediments, and surface waters. Renewal tests might be preferable to static tests for materials that have a high oxygen demand, are highly volatile, are rapidly biologically or chemically transformed in aqueous solution, or are removed from test solutions in substantial quantities by the test chambers or organisms during the test.1.4 Results of toxicity tests with embryos of bivalve molluscs should usually be reported as the EC50 based on the total incompletely developed and dead organisms. It might also be desirable to report the LC50 based only on death. In some situations, it might only be necessary to determine whether a specific concentration is toxic to embryos or whether the EC50 is above or below a specific concentration.1.5 This guide is arranged as follows:  SectionReferenced Documents 2Terminology 3Summary of Guide 4 5Hazards 6Apparatus 7 Facilities 7.1 Construction Materials 7.2 Test Chambers 7.3 Cleaning 7.4 Acceptability 7.5Dilution Water 8 Requirements 8.1 Source 8.2 Treatments 8.3 Characterization 8.4Test Material 9 General 9.1 Stock Solution 9.2 Test Concentration(s) 9.3Test Organisms 10 Species 10.1 Age 10.2 Handling 10.3 Brood Stock Source and Condition 10.4 Spawning and Fertilization 10.5 Quality 10.6Procedure 11 Experimental Design 11.1 Dissolved Oxygen 11.2 Temperature 11.3 Beginning the Test 11.4 Feeding 11.5 Duration of Test 11.6 Biological Data 11.7 Other Measurements 11.8Analytical Methods 12Acceptability of Test 13Calculation of Results 14Report 15Annex Annex A11.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard statements are given in Section 6.1.7 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 An acute toxicity test is conducted to obtain information concerning the immediate effects on test organisms of a short-term exposure to a test material under specific experimental conditions. An acute toxicity test does not provide information about whether delayed effects will occur, although a post-exposure observation period, with appropriate feeding, if necessary, might provide such information. Bioavailability of the test substance may also differ between real-world exposures and laboratory exposures due to site-specific water quality conditions (see Guides E1192, E1563, and E2455).5.2 Results of acute toxicity tests might be used to predict acute effects likely to occur on aquatic organisms in field situations as a result of exposure under comparable conditions, except that (1) motile organisms might avoid exposure when possible, and (2) toxicity to benthic organisms might be dependent on sorption or settling of the test material onto the substrate.5.3 Results of acute tests might be used to compare the acute sensitivities of different species and the acute toxicities of different test materials, and to study the effects of various environmental factors on results of such tests.5.4 Results of acute toxicity tests might be an important consideration when assessing the hazards of materials to aquatic organisms (see Guide E1023) or when deriving water quality criteria for aquatic organisms (3).5.5 Results of acute toxicity tests might be useful for studying the biological availability of, and structure-activity relationships between, test materials.5.6 Results of acute toxicity tests will depend on the temperature, composition of the dilution water, condition of the test organisms, exposure technique, and other factors.1.1 This guide (1)2 describes procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the adverse effects (for example, lethality and immobility) of a test material added to dilution water, but not to food, on certain species of freshwater and saltwater fishes, macroinvertebrates, and amphibians, usually during 2 to 4-day exposures, depending on the species. These procedures will probably be useful for conducting acute toxicity tests with many other aquatic species, although modifications might be necessary.1.2 Other modifications of these procedures might be justified by special needs or circumstances such as meeting specific study goals, regulatory needs, or to accommodate specific test organism life stages. Although using appropriate procedures is more important than following prescribed procedures, results of tests conducted using unusual or novel procedures are not likely to be comparable to results of many other tests. Comparison of results obtained using modified and unmodified versions of these procedures might provide useful information concerning new concepts and procedures for conducting acute tests.1.3 This guide describes tests using three basic exposure techniques: static, renewal, and flow-through. Selection of the technique to use in a specific situation will depend on the needs of the investigator and on available resources. Tests using the static technique provide the most easily obtained measure of acute toxicity, but conditions often change substantially during static tests; therefore, static tests should not last longer than 96 h, and test organisms should not be fed during such tests unless the test organisms are severely stressed without feeding over 48 h. Static tests should probably not be conducted on materials that have a high oxygen demand, are highly volatile, are rapidly transformed biologically or chemically in aqueous solution, or are removed from test solutions in substantial quantities by the test chambers or organisms during the test. Because the pH and concentrations of dissolved oxygen and test material are maintained at desired levels and degradation and metabolic products are removed, tests using renewal and flow-through methods are preferable; test organisms may be fed during renewal and flow-through tests. Although renewal tests might be more cost-effective, flow-through tests are generally preferable.1.4 Acute tests may be performed to meet regulatory data requirements or to obtain time-independent estimates of toxicity.1.4.1 If the objective is to obtain data to meet regulatory requirements, it may be necessary to limit the number of observation times based on stipulations of the regulatory agency and cost considerations.1.4.2 If the objective of an acute toxicity test is to determine a time-independent (that is, incipient, threshold, or asymptotic) toxicity level, an appropriate number of observations must be taken over an exposure duration of sufficient length to establish the shape of the toxicity curve or allow the direct or mathematically estimated determination of a time-independent toxicity value (1), or both.1.5 In the development of these procedures, an attempt was made to balance scientific and practical considerations and to ensure that the results will be sufficiently accurate and precise for the applications for which they are commonly used. A major consideration was that the common uses of the results of acute toxicity tests do not require or justify stricter requirements than those set forth herein. Although the tests may be improved by using more organisms, longer acclimation times, and so forth, the requirements presented herein should usually be sufficient.1.6 Results of acute toxicity tests should usually be reported in terms of an LC50 (median lethal concentration) or EC50 (median effective concentration) at the end of the test, but it is desirable to provide information concerning the dependence of adverse effects on both time and concentration. Thus, when feasible, flow-through and renewal tests should be conducted so that LC50s or EC50s can be reported from 6 h to an asymptotic (time-independent, threshold, incipient) value, if one exists. In some situations, it might only be necessary to determine whether a specific concentration is acutely toxic to the test species or whether the LC50 or EC50 is above or below a specific concentration.1.7 This guide is arranged as follows:  Section   Referenced Documents 2Terminology 3Summary of Guide 4 5Apparatus 6 Facilities 6.1 Special Requirements 6.2 Construction Materials 6.3 Metering System 6.4 Test Chambers 6.5 Cleaning 6.6 Acceptability 6.7Hazards 7Dilution Water 8 Requirements 8.1 Source 8.2 Treatment 8.3 Characterization 8.4Test Material 9 General 9.1 Stock Solution 9.2 Test Concentration(s) 9.3Test Organisms 10 Species 10.1 Age 10.2 Source 10.3 Care and Handling 10.4 Feeding 10.5 Disease Treatment 10.6 Holding 10.7 Acclimation 10.8 Quality 10.9Procedure 11 Experimental Design 11.1 Dissolved Oxygen 11.2 Temperature 11.3 Loading 11.4 Beginning the Test 11.5 Feeding 11.6 Duration of Test 11.7 Biological Data 11.8 Other Measurements 11.9Analytical Methodology 12Acceptability of Test 13Calculation of Results 14Report 151.8 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard statements are given in Section 7.1.10 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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5.1 Mysids are an important component of both the pelagic and epibenthic community. They are preyed upon by many species of fish, birds, and larger invertebrate species, and they are predators of smaller crustaceans and larval stages of invertebrates. In some cases, they feed upon algae. Mysids are sensitive to both organic and inorganic toxicants (1).3 The ecological importance of mysids, their wide geographical distribution, ability to be cultured in the laboratory, and sensitivity to contaminants make them appropriate acute toxicity test organisms.5.2 An acute toxicity test is conducted to obtain information concerning the immediate effects of a short-term exposure to a test material on a test organism under specified experimental conditions. An acute toxicity test provides data on the short-term effects that are useful for comparisons to other species but does not provide information on delayed effects.5.3 Results of acute toxicity tests can be used to predict acute effects likely to occur on aquatic organisms in field conditions except that mysids might avoid exposure when possible.5.4 Results of acute toxicity tests might be used to compare the acute sensitivities of different species and the acute toxicities of different test materials, and to study the effects of various environmental factors on results of such tests.5.5 Results of acute toxicity tests might be an important consideration when assessing the hazards of materials to aquatic organisms (see Guide E1023) or when deriving water quality criteria for aquatic organisms (2).5.6 Results of acute toxicity tests might be useful for studying biological availability of, and structure activity relationships between test materials.5.7 Results of acute toxicity tests will depend, in part, on the temperature, quality of the food, condition of test organisms, test procedures, and other factors.1.1 This guide describes procedures for obtaining data concerning the adverse effects of a test material (not food) added to marine and estuarine waters on certain species of marine and estuarine mysids during 96 h of continuous exposure. Juvenile mysids used in these tests are taken from cultures shortly after release from the brood and exposed to varying concentrations of a toxicant in static or flow-through conditions. These procedures will be useful for conducting toxicity tests with other species of mysids, although modifications might be necessary.1.2 Modifications of these procedures might be justified by special needs or circumstances. Although using appropriate procedures is more important than following prescribed procedures, results of tests conducted using unusual procedures are not likely to be comparable to results of many other tests. Comparisons of results obtained using modified and unmodified versions of these procedures might provide useful information concerning new concepts and procedures for conducting acute tests with other species of mysids.1.3 The procedures given in this guide are applicable to most chemicals, either individually or in formulations, commercial products, and known or unknown mixtures. With appropriate modifications these procedures can be used to conduct acute tests on factors such as temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen. These procedures can also be used to assess the toxicity of potentially toxic discharges such as municipal wastes, oil drilling fluids, produced water from oil well production, and other types of industrial wastes.1.4 Results of acute toxicity tests with toxicants experimentally added to salt and estuarine waters should usually be reported in terms of a LC50 (median lethal concentration).1.5 This guide is arranged as follows:  Section   Referenced Documents  2Terminology  3Summary of Guide  4  5Apparatus  6 Facilities  6.1 Construction Materials  6.2 Metering Systems  6.3 Test Chambers  6.4 Cleaning  6.5 Acceptability  6.6Safety Precautions  7Dilution Water  8 Requirements  8.1 Source  8.2 Treatment  8.3 Characterization  8.4Test Material  9 General  9.1 Stock Solution  9.2 Test Concentrations  9.3Test Organisms 10 Species 10.1 Age 10.2 Source 10.3 Brood Stock 10.4 Food 10.5 Handling 10.6 Harvesting Young 10.7 Quality 10.8Procedure 11 Experimental Design 11.1 Dissolved Oxygen 11.2 Temperature 11.3 Loading 11.4 Salinity 11.5 Light 11.6 Beginning of Test 11.7 Feeding 11.8 Duration of Test 11.9 Biological Data 11.10 Other Measurements 11.11Analytical Methodology 12Acceptability of Test 13Interpretation of Results 14Report 15Appendixes   Holmesimysis costata X1 Neomysis mercedis X21.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precautionary statements are given in Section 7.

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5.1 This test method is of principal value in minimizing the number of animals required to estimate the acute oral toxicity (LD50). It also incorporates measures of variance (95 % CI) and a slope from which to make relative toxicity comparisons.5.2 This test method is inappropriate for materials typically producing death two or more days after administration of the test compound unless the observation time between dosages is increased. This test method can be successfully applied, however, for materials producing only an occasional death two or more days after administration.5.3 The LD50 is valuable as a measure of the relative acute toxicity of a material and can be used to make an estimate of potential hazard to humans when pesticides, other chemicals, or mixtures are ingested.5.4 This test method allows for observation of signs of toxicity in addition to mortality. This information can be useful in planning additional toxicity testing.1.1 This test method determines the lethality (LD50 value, slope and 95 % confidence interval (CI)) and signs of acute toxicity from a material using a limited number of rats. The technique used in this test method is referred to as the “Stagewise, Adaptive Dose Method.”2 This test method is an alternative to the classical LD50 test and is applicable to both liquids and solids.1.2 This test method is not recommended for test materials which typically produce deaths beyond two days postdosing.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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