




GB/T 12690的本部分规定了稀土氧化物中灼减量的测定方法。本部分适用于稀土氧化物灼减量的测定。测定范围:0.10%~15.00%。

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This part of GB/T 12690 specifies gravimetric method for the determination of loss in mass of rare earth oxides on ignition.
This part is applicable to the determination of loss on ignition of rare earth oxides ranging from 0.10% to 15.00%.

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GB/T 12690的本部分规定了稀土氧化物中水分量的测定方法。本部分适用于稀土氧化物中水分量的测定。测定范围:0.20%~10.00%。

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This standard specifies gravimetric method for the determination of moisture content in rare earth oxides.This standard is applicable to the determination of moisture content in rare earth oxides range from 0.20% to 10.00%.

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GB/T 27686-2011 电子废弃物中金属废料废件 现行 发布日期 :  2011-12-30 实施日期 :  2012-10-01


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定价: 24元 / 折扣价: 21 加购物车

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