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ASTM AIIMASTM-BP-01-08 Portable Document Format-Healthcare (PDF) A Best Practices Guide Withdrawn, Replaced 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

The PDF Healthcare Best Practices Guide describes PDF features useful in healthcare and documents points to consider for these features. As such, users of this document can decide what features are important to them under their specific circumstances. The PDF Healthcare Best Practices Guide does not describe normative requirements, nor is it a language specification. For detailed language issues, it references the PDF and XFA Specifications. (See the Terminology and Reference Documents sections for more information on these specifications). For implementation specific guidance, it references an accompanying Implementation Guide.

定价: 0元 / 折扣价: 0

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CAN/CSA-Z809-96 A Sustainable Forest Management System: Specifications Document 被代替 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

定价: 319元 / 折扣价: 272

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Information technology - Document description and processing languages - DSSSL library for complex compositions AMENDMENT 1: Extensions to basic composition styles and tables

定价: 182元 / 折扣价: 155

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Information technology - Document description and processing languages - DSSSL library for complex compositions AMENDMENT 2: Extensions to multilingual compositions (South-East Asian compositions)

定价: 182元 / 折扣价: 155

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Information technology - Document description and processing languages - DSSSL library for complex compositions AMENDMENT 3: Extensions to multilingual compositions (North and South Asian compositions)

定价: 182元 / 折扣价: 155

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定价: 0元 / 折扣价: 0 加购物车

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ASTM E2184-02 Standard Specification for Healthcare Document Formats (Withdrawn 2011) Withdrawn, No replacement 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

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3.1 Systematic surveys provide data on shoreline, lakeshore, river bank or other terrain’s character and oiling conditions from which informed planning and operational decisions can be developed with respect to cleanup (1-4).3 In particular, the data are used by decision makers to determine which oiled areas require treatment and to develop end-point criteria for use as targets for the field operations.3.2 Surveys may include one or more of four components or phases, as listed below. The scale of an affected area plus quantity and availability of pre-spill information will influence the selection of survey components and its level of detail.3.2.1 The aerial reconnaissance survey phase provides a perspective on the overall extent and general nature of the oiling conditions. This information is used in conjunction with environmental, resource, and cultural sensitivity data to guide shoreline protection, recovery of mobile oil, and to facilitate the more detailed response planning and priorities of the response operations.3.2.2 The aerial video survey(s) phase provides systematic audio and video documentation of the extent and type of oiling conditions, physical character, and logistics information, such as access and staging data.3.2.3 The ground assessment survey(s) phase provides the necessary information and data to develop appropriate response recommendations. A field team(s) collects detailed information on oil conditions, the physical and ecological character of oiled areas, and resources or cultural features that may affect or be affected by the timing or implementation of response activities.3.2.4 The post-treatment inspection ground survey or monitoring phase provides the necessary information and data to ensure a segment, that is part of the response program, has been treated to the approved end-point criterion. (5)3.3 In order to ensure data consistency, it is important to use standardized terminology and definitions in describing oiling conditions, as provided in Guide F1687. This terminology is described in more detail in guidelines on Best Practices and checklists for the implementation of a survey program (1-4).1.1 This guide covers field procedures by which data can be collected in a systematic manner to document and assess the oiling conditions on shorelines, river banks, and lake shores (shores and substrates) plus dry land habitats (terrain).1.2 This guide does not address the terminology that is used to define and describe terrain oiling conditions, the ecological character of oiled terrain, or the cultural or other resources that can be present.1.3 The guide is applicable to marine coasts (including estuaries) and to freshwater environments (rivers and lakes) and to dry land habitats. In alignment with Guide F2204:1.3.1 For the purpose of this guide, marine and estuarine shorelines, river banks, and lake shores will be collectively referred to as shorelines, shores, or shore-zones.1.3.2 Shore types include a range of impermeable (bedrock, ice, and manmade structures), permeable (flats, beaches, and manmade), and coastal wetland (marshes, mangroves) habitats.1.4 Other non-shoreline, inland habitats include wetlands (pond, fen, bog, swamp, tundra, and shrub) and drier terrains (grassland, desert, forests), and will be collectively referred to as either wetlands or terrains, respectively.1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.7 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

定价: 590元 / 折扣价: 502 加购物车

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定价: 590元 / 折扣价: 502 加购物车

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Information Technology - Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL) - Part 2: Regular-grammar-based validation - RELAX NG AMENDMENT 1: Compact Syntax

定价: 182元 / 折扣价: 155

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This part of ISO/IEC 19757 specifies Schematron, a schema language for XML. This part of ISO/IEC 19757 establishes requirements for Schematron schemas and specifies when an XML document matches the patterns specified by a Schematron schema.

定价: 1092元 / 折扣价: 929

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