




(Parts 1-2 and TR 40-2011). This standard establishes eXtensible Markup Language (XML) data elements, structures, and schemas for the bulk delivery of financial data and associated images for various business purposes. The XML framework defined by this standard is independent of network technologies and computing platforms, and is extendable to support new data structures as needs are identified. Part 1 is an Overview. Part 2-1 defines check related elements and components for general check payment delivery. Part 2-2 defines check related elements and components that can be used to deliver images and check data for IRD creation conforming to the ANS X9.100-140 standard, and in accordance with Regulation CC for substitute checks. Part 2-3 defines check related elements and components that can be used to deliver electronic deposit information. The standard comes complete with the tri-part XML XSD schema validation files. The TR 40-2011 Technical Report, which is included with the standard, provides background reference material for a specific business implementation to transfer data from an X9.100-187 image cash letter file to the ANSI X9.100-182 XML standard file. It provides a structured mapping approach that includes field-by-field data content mapping from the image cash letter file records to the respective XML element layers.

定价: 1456元 / 折扣价: 1238

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Part 1 of ANSI X9.100-40 defines the elements and structures for standard check image tests used by the financial industry to assess specific attributes of check images. The specification establishes a framework for defining check image tests, conveying the results from executing a check image test, and conveying any parameters used in executing check image tests. Part 2 of ANSI X9.100-40 describes the application and registration procedures used to register check image tests that conform to ANSI X9.100-40 Part 1.

定价: 1274元 / 折扣价: 1083

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ANSI X9.100-130-2011 (S2022) Universal Interbank Batch/Bundle Ticket 现行 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

This standard specifies the required elements of the universal interbank batch/bundle ticket. It is expected that bankers refer to this standard when designing this special interbank form. This standard is sufficiently flexible to meet differing document and institution needs without unnecessary constraints. This standard provides the reader with specifications for a universal interbank batch/bundle ticket that contains data that may be recognized among all financial institutions wishing to utilize interbank batch/bundle tickets and not adversely affect those that do not.

定价: 546元 / 折扣价: 465 加购物车

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This standard contains a notice of where to purchase the Geological Survey.

定价: 570元 / 折扣价: 485 加购物车

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The scope of the standard is the specification of the optical measurement methodology for the parameters of reflectance, PCS, DCR, Paxel Count, and opacity which are needed for MICR documents.

定价: 546元 / 折扣价: 465 加购物车

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ANSI X9.100-170-2010 (S2022) Specification Forms 现行 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

This standard establishes the design and usage requirements of a check fraud deterrent icon (CFDI) for visually communicating the presence of security features on a check. The standard specifies minimal overt security features which meet the requirements for deterring both counterfeiting and alteration that printers are to use prior to printing a check fraud deterrent icon onto a check. This standard also establishes the requirements for use of a check fraud deterrent icon, the location on the check for the icon, and the location of and requirements for the associated warning box and verbiage.

定价: 546元 / 折扣价: 465 加购物车

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ANSI X9.100-183-2010 (S2022) Electronic Check Adjustments 现行 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

This standard establishes the file sequences, record types, and field formats to be used for the electronic exchange of check adjustment messages. The standard format supports check related adjustment notices and requests for individual checks, bundles of checks, check cash letters and attachment of images. It supports the full range of adjustment types currently in use by financial institutions and will support web-based or mainframe system transmission. The standard may be used whether or not the particular check, bundle of checks, or cash letter was presented via paper or via an electronic check exchange file.

定价: 546元 / 折扣价: 465 加购物车

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Describes an enhancement to American National Standard for Information Technology - Fibre Channel - Physical and Signaling Interface (FC-PH), ANSI X3.230-1994, American National Standard for Information Technology - Fibre Channel - Physical and Signaling Interface-2 (FC-PH-2), ANSI X3.297-1997, and American National Standard for Information Technology - Fibre Channel - Physical and Signaling Interface-3 (FC-PH-3), ANSI X3.303-1998, and is an addendum to the FC-PH, FC-PH-2, and FC-PH-3 documents. To obtain an electronic draft: NCITS Storefront: http://www.cssinfo.com/cgi-bin/detail?product_id= 232502.

定价: 570元 / 折扣价: 485 加购物车

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ANSI X9.100-161-2010 (S2022) Creating MICR Document 现行 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

This standard specifies the contents for MICR Document Specification Forms. It may be used to create specifications for the design and manufacture of checks and deposit tickets, as well as other financial institution MICR documents. The standard is sufficiently flexible to meet the needs of a variety of financial institutions. The standard is not the specification form itself.

定价: 546元 / 折扣价: 465 加购物车

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ANSI X9.100-150-2010 (S2022) Check Carrier Envelopes 现行 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

Covers design considerations applying to carriers used for forward transit items, return items, and other bank interchange purposes.

定价: 546元 / 折扣价: 465 加购物车

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A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is an important financial services and banking management tool to be used within an organization, or by "contracted" third parties, to identify and mitigate privacy issues and risks associated with processing consumer data using automated, networked information systems. This standard describes the privacy impact assessment activity in general; defines the common and required components of a privacy impact assessment, regardless of business systems affecting financial institutions; and provides informative guidance to educate the reader on privacy impact assessments. A privacy compliance audit differs from a privacy impact assessment in that the compliance audit determines an institution's current level of compliance with the law and identifies steps to avoid future non-compliance with the law. While there are similarities between privacy impact assessments and privacy compliance audits in that they use some of the same skills and that they are tools used to avoid breaches of privacy, the primary concern of a compliance audit is simply to meet the requirements of the law, whereas a privacy impact assessment is intended to investigate further in order to identify ways to safeguard privacy optimally

定价: 546元 / 折扣价: 465

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ANSI X9.100-151-2010 (S2022) Check Correction Strips 现行 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

This standard covers the design and the functional characteristics of the strip extension ("strip") as affixed to a check. These strips provide a new MICR clear band area used to modify or correct the MICR line of items for forward collection, returns, rejects, or other banking interchange systems.

定价: 546元 / 折扣价: 465 加购物车

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ANSI X9.95-2022 Trusted Time Stamp Management and Security 现行 发布日期 :  1970-01-01 实施日期 : 

This standard specifies the minimum security requirements for the effective use of time stamps in a financial services environment. Within the scope of this Standard the following topics are addressed: - Requirements for the secure management of the time stamp token across its life cycle, comprised of the generation, transmission and storage, validation, and renewal processes. The requirements in this Standard identify the means to securely and verifiably distribute time from a national time source down to the application level; - Requirements for the secure management of a Time Stamp Authority (TSA); - Requirements of a TSA to ensure that an independent third party can audit and validate the controls over the use of a time stamp process; - Techniques for the coding, encapsulation, transmission, storage, integrity and privacy protection of time stamp data; - Usage of time stamp technology.

定价: 910元 / 折扣价: 774 加购物车

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