【国外标准】 The storage and handling of non-flammable cryogenic and refrigerated liquids (Reconfirmed 2021)
本网站 发布时间:
- AS 1894-1997
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- 定价: 1177元 / 折扣价: 1001 元
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AS 1894-1997
The storage and handling of non-flammable cryogenic and refrigerated liquids (Reconfirmed 2021)
The storage and handling of non-flammable cryogenic and refrigerated liquids (Reconfirmed 2021)标准状态:
1997-11-05 -
- 推荐标准
- ASTM C1894-22 Standard Guide for Microbially Induced Corrosion of Concrete Products
- ASTM C1894-22 Standard Guide for Microbially Induced Corrosion of Concrete Products
- ASTM E1997-15(2021) Standard Practice for the Selection of Spacecraft Materials
- ANSI INCITS 297-1997 (R2002) Information Technology - Fibre Channel - Physical and Signalling Interface-2 (FC-PH-2) (formerly ANSI X3.297-1997)
- ANSI X9.30-2:1997 Public Key Cryptography Using Irreversible Algorithms - Part 2: The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1)
- AS 1012.10-1985 Methods of testing concrete Method for the determination of indirect tensile strength of concrete cylinders ('Brazil' or splitting test)
- AS 1012.10-1985/Amdt 1-1987 Methods of testing concrete - Method for the determination of indirect tensile strength of concrete cylinders ('Brazil' or splitting test)
- AS 1012.19-1988 Methods of testing concrete Accelerated curing of concrete compression test specimens (laboratory or field) - Hot water and warm water methods
- AS 1012.4.2:2014 Methods of testing concrete Determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete - Measuring reduction in air pressure in chamber above concrete
- AS 1012.6-1999 Methods of testing concrete Method for the determination of bleeding of concrete
- AS 1012.8-1986 Methods of testing concrete Method for making and curing concrete compression, indirect tensile and flexure test specimens, in the laboratory or in the field
- AS 1012.8-1986/Amdt 1-1989 Methods of testing concrete - Method for making and curing concrete compression, indirect tensile and flexure test specimens, in the laboratory or in the field
- AS 1013-1971 Shunt capacitors for connection to power frequency systems
- AS 1018-1985 Partial discharge measurements
- AS 1019-1985 Internal combustion engines - Spark emission control devices