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- JIS H 9142:1962
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- ASTM E1962-19 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Surface Testing Using Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) Techniques
- ASTM F1962-22 Standard Guide for Use of Maxi-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of Polyethylene Pipe or Conduit Under Obstacles, Including River Crossings
- JIS B 0121:2012 International gear notation -- Symbols for geometrical data
- JIS B 0121:2012e International gear notation -- Symbols for geometrical data
- JIS B 0122:1978e Symbols of metal working processes
- JIS B 0124:2009e Rolling bearings -- Symbols for quantities
- JIS B 0125-1:2020e Fluid power systems and components -- Graphical symbols and circuit diagrams -- Part 1: Graphical symbols for conventional use and data-processing applications
- JIS B 0125-2:2018 Fluid power systems and components -- Graphical symbols and circuit diagrams -- Part 2: Circuit diagrams
- JIS B 0125-3:2022 Fluid power systems and components -- Graphical symbols and circuit diagrams -- Part 3: Symbol modules and connected symbols in circuit diagrams
- JIS B 0130:2019 Glossary of terms for thermal power plants -- General
- JIS B 0131:2017 Glossary of terms for turbopumps
- JIS B 0134:2015 Robots and robotic devices -- Vocabulary
- JIS B 0137:2007 Glossary of terms for indirect method electrostatic process copying machines
- JIS B 0138:1996 Industrial robots -- Graphical symbols of mechanism
- JIS B 0142:2011 Fluid power systems and components -- Vocabulary