【国外标准】 Controlled environments Cytotoxic drug safety cabinets (CDSC) - Design, construction, installation, testing and use
本网站 发布时间:
- AS 2252.5:2017
- 现行
- 定价: 819元 / 折扣价: 697 元
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AS 2252.5:2017
Controlled environments Cytotoxic drug safety cabinets (CDSC) - Design, construction, installation, testing and use
Controlled environments Cytotoxic drug safety cabinets (CDSC) - Design, construction, installation, testing and use标准状态:
2017-07-27 -
- 推荐标准
- AS ISO 717.2-2004 Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements Impact sound insulation
- AS ISO 8253.2-2009 Acoustics - Audiometric test methods Sound field audiometry with pure tone and narrow-band test signals
- AS ISO 8253.3-2009 Acoustics - Audiometric test methods Speech audiometry
- AS ISO/IEC 17025-2005 (R2016)/Amdt 1-2006 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
- AS ISO/IEC 19784.1-2007 Information technology - Biometric application programming interface BioAPI specification
- AS ISO/IEC 19795.1-2007 Information technology - Biometric performance testing and reporting Principles and framework
- AS ISO/IEC 19795.2-2010 Information technology - Biometric performance testing and reporting Testing methodologies for technology and scenario evaluation
- AS ISO/IEC 20000.1-2013 Information technology - Service management Service management system requirements
- AS ISO/IEC 20000.2-2007 Information technology - Service management Code of practice
- AS ISO/IEC 20000.2-2013 Information technology - Service management Guidance on the application of service management systems
- AS ISO/IEC 24709.1-2010 Information technology - Conformance testing for the biometric application programming interface (BioAPI) Methods and procedures
- AS ISO/IEC 24709.2-2010 Information technology - Conformance testing for the biometric application programming interface (BioAPI) Test assertions for biometric service providers
- AS K152.12-1965 Methods for the analysis and testing oc coal and coke Caking and swelling properties of coal
- AS Z30-1966 Interconversion of inch and metric dimensions
- AS/ACIF S003:2006 Customer Access Equipment for connection to a Telecommunications Network