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【国外标准】 Information technology - Evaluation methodology for environmental influence in biometric system performance

本网站 发布时间: 2023-07-12
  • INCITS/ISO/IEC 29197:2015 (2016)
  • 现行
  • 定价: 683元 / 折扣价: 581
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ISO/IEC 29197:2015 addresses

? fundamental requirements for planning and execution of environmental performance evaluations for biometric systems based on scenario and operational test methodologies,

? specifications to define, establish, and measure specific conditions to assess, including requirements for equipment,

? requirements for establishing a baseline performance in order to compare the influence of environmental parameters,

? a specification of the biometric evaluation including requirements for test population, test protocols, data to record, and test results, and

? procedures for carrying out the overall evaluation.

It does not

? determine which parameters should be analysed for a specific biometric modality (This is currently covered in ISO/IEC/TR 19795‑3.),

? specify requirements to perform a vulnerability analysis modifying environmental factors (This is covered by ISO/IEC 19792.),

? classify biometric systems upon performance against different environmental conditions, or

? specify requirements for determining the functional effects of environmental conditions on hardware components (such as corrosion, electrical interference, breakage, etc.) of biometric systems.


  • 标准号:

    INCITS/ISO/IEC 29197:2015 (2016)

  • 标准名称:

    Information technology - Evaluation methodology for environmental influence in biometric system performance

  • 英文名称:

    Information technology - Evaluation methodology for environmental influence in biometric system performance
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